Ep. 1 – Baby Merkel: Angie Kasner – My question to Angela Merkel
In this episode, Emilia starts her quest for the perfect question to ask Angela Merkel by looking into her origins. We find out about her life as the daughter of a protestant pastor on an evangelical mission in East Germany. We learn all about her brilliant track record as a student, about her nerd side, about the time she defied the DDR authorities by reading a censored poem. We understand together how she could be seen both as a Western girl in East Germany and as “the Easterner” from the perspective of Western Germans.
The guests featured in this episode are:
- Joyce Mushaben, political scientist, former Professor at Georgetown University and author of “Becoming Madam Chancellor: Angela Merkel and the Berlin Republic”.
- Rainer Eppelmann, politician, former DDR Minister and CDU member.
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