AI and You

AI and You  is a 10-episode podcast series answering the burning questions revolving around the present and future impact of artificial intelligence on our lives. This Europod series is available in 6 languages and broadcast by 3 European media partners. Check out this series in 5 other languages by clicking on the links below!
30 April 2024

Episode 1 : Evolution of AI

It was in the 1950s, that the term “Artificial Intelligence” was first coined at a research conference, and ever since then, till today, humans have been...

7 May 2024

Episode 2 : My AI friend?

The technologies and algorithms developed through artificial intelligence are already being used in various ways in our digital social interactions (dating apps, fall detection apps, AI...

14 May 2024

Episode 3 : Will AI replace your job?

With the development in technology and implementation of Artificial Intelligence all over different sectors, some of us are left with the fear that our jobs will...

21 May 2024

Episode 4 : Can you learn with AI?

How AI can impact education? In some places like China, Artificial Intelligence already plays a role in teaching, grading and planning lessons for students. However, while...

28 May 2024

Episode 5 : Can AI help us take better care of ourselves?

AI has the potential to make certain diagnoses earlier and more accurately than human beings. However, some AI deployments in healthcare could harm us more than...

4 June 2024

Episode 6 : AI and Equality

Have you already heard about AI-powered hiring practices?

Is this common practice reducing inequality, or reinforcing discrimination?

Some tech experts argue that AI can also be...

11 June 2024

Episode 7 : Can AI solve the climate crisis?

Can technology participate in solving the climate crisis? When it comes to energy waste optimisation, AI can step in and help. It can also optimise energy...

18 June 2024

Episode 8 : How secure is AI?

AI systems can search through enormous volumes of personal data, including criminal histories and other characteristics deemed to be “risk factors”. Recently, organisations have voiced worries...

25 June 2024

Episode 9 : How important is AI regulation?

AI is one of the most hotly debated topics in parliaments, governments, and European and international institutions currently. At the end of 2023, 31 countries had...

2 July 2024

Episode 10 : The Future of AI

The final episode of AI and You casts a light on the disadvantages and the advantages of Artificial Intelligence in various sectors. A hope-filled potential for...

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