Episode 6 : AI and Equality
Have you already heard about AI-powered hiring practices?
Is this common practice reducing inequality, or reinforcing discrimination?
Some tech experts argue that AI can also be an opportunity to overcome all forms of bias, even those within humankind.
Racist technology in action: White only soap dispensers : Racism and technology centre
Amazon ditched AI recruiting tool that favored men for technical jobs : The Guardian
Meet Tengai, the job interview robot who won’t judge you : BBC
Solans, D., Beretta, A., Portela, M., Castillo, C. & Monreale, A. Human Response to an AI-Based Decision Support System: A User Study on the Effects of Accuracy and Bias.
What Really Happened When Google Ousted Temnit Gebru : Wired
These Women Tried to Warn Us About AI : Rolling Stone